5 Great Tax Breaks for College Students and Parents

Sure, college is expensive, but qualifying for one of these five tax breaks may make higher education a bit more affordable.
Deductions reduce the amount of your income that could be subject to tax. But even better, a tax credit lowers your bottom-line tax bill dollar for dollar. Be aware, you can't double dip — meaning the same expenses can't be used to claim more than one credit or deduction.
- American Opportunity Credit. This tax break applies to expenses, such as tuition and required course materials, paid during a student's first four years of college. The maximum credit — $2,500 a year — is available to single filers with a modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) of up to $80,000 and to married joint filers with a MAGI of up to $160,000. The credit phases out completely once income reaches $90,000 for singles and $180,000 for joint filers.
The American Opportunity Credit is partially refundable. So, even if you don't owe any taxes, you can claim up to 40% of the credit (or $1,000) as a refund.
- Lifetime Learning Credit. A student doesn't have to be an undergrad to qualify for this credit worth up to $2,000. For example, you can claim it if you return to the classroom to improve your job skills. The credit is worth 20% of the first $10,000 spent each year on education expenses, or a maximum of $2,000 annually. A full or partial credit is available to joint filers with a MAGI under $138,000 and to singles with income less than $69,000.
- Tuition and fees deduction. You don't have to file an itemized return to get this deduction — worth up to $4,000 — for tuition, fees, and required course materials that you've paid. You can qualify for a full or partial deduction if your MAGI is not more than $80,000 on a single return or $160,000 on a joint return.
- Student loan interest deduction. You can deduct up to $2,500 in interest you pay each year on student loans without filing an itemized return, as long as you're not claimed as a dependent on another person's tax return. This deduction disappears once MAGI reaches $85,000 for singles and $170,000 for married joint filers.
- 529 college savings plans. Money invested in a state-sponsored 529 plan grows tax-sheltered and can be withdrawn tax free to pay for eligible education expenses. The list of eligible expenses has recently expanded: You can now use 529 money to cover the cost of certain apprenticeship programs; and withdraw up to $10,000 from the account (in total, not annually) to repay student loans.
States also have generous contribution limits — in some cases totaling $500,000 or higher — and more than 30 of them give an income-tax break to residents contributing to the home-state 529 plan. Visit collegesavings.org for links to state plans.
Get more information on credits and deductions for college at the IRS Tax Benefits for Education Information Center.
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