MissionSquare Retirement is focused exclusively on retirement planning for public service workers as well as employees in health care, education, and not-for-profit organizations. Founded in 1972 through a grant from the Ford Foundation, we are a leading retirement services provider for public sector employees.

Not your ordinary retirement services company

Why consultants want to partner with us


Hands-on business development support

Lower-cost investment choices

Full fee disclosure

Financial wellness education for employees

Emphasis on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Employer investment programs

The MissionSquare Difference

Participant Accounts
Employer Plans

As of Dec. 31, 2024. Includes 457(b), 401(a), 401(k), 403(b), and Retirement Health Savings (RHS) plans, Employer Investment Program (EIP) plans, affiliated IRAs, and investment-only assets. Includes assets under administration and management by MissionSquare with its subsidiaries.

MissionSquare Research Institute puts issues into perspective for your plan sponsors.

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How we serve retirement consultants

You'll find an arsenal of useful resources, including:

Consultant Access

Want to grow your business?

We can help with that, too.

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How we serve plan sponsors

Plan sponsors benefit from comprehensive plan administration, including:

  • Onboarding and plan conversion
  • Training in payroll processing
  • Comprehensive record keeping and reporting
  • Employee communications materials

Investment insights so you can better advise your plan sponsors

How we serve employees

Employees benefit from a wide range of investments, planning tools and resources, including:

  • Award-winning mobile app to review, enroll, track accounts, and conduct transactions
  • A range of retirement-readiness calculators to track progress
  • Robust and personalized financial wellness resource center that deepens employees’ financial literacy

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Plan Participants or Sponsors:
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