Retirement Health Savings (RHS) Accounts

The MissionSquare Retirement Health Savings (RHS) Program is designed to help you and your loved ones meet a critical expense — retiree health care — through a tax-advantaged savings vehicle.

Your RHS Program is sponsored by your employer and administered by MissionSquare Retirement. All contributions to your account are set aside exclusively for qualifying medical expenses.


Participating in the program is mandatory for eligible employees. Eligibility is defined by your employer who will provide you with enrollment material as needed.


Contributions can be made by you and/or your employer. Your employer defines the contribution types, amount, and frequency for the eligible group(s). Examples include:

  1. Employer contribution of a fixed percentage or dollar amount or a discretionary employer contribution.
  2. Mandatory contributions of employee compensation.
  3. Mandatory employee contributions of accrued sick and/or vacation leave on a pre-determined schedule.

RHS Program Tax Benefits

  • Pre-tax contributions, if applicable, reduce your taxable income
  • Tax-deferred earnings
  • Tax-free distributions for qualifying medical expenses


At enrollment, a target-date fund based on your age or another default investment option is selected for you. You have the flexibility to then make changes at any time. You control how contributions and associated earnings are invested, choosing from available investment options.

Benefit Reimbursements

To request reimbursements, you must:

  • Be eligible for benefits. Eligibility is defined by your employer and may generally apply at retirement, upon separation from service, or if you become disabled.
  • Have medical expenses that qualify. (Refer to your program summary for a list of eligible expenses.)

Survivor Benefits

In the event of your death, your account will be transferred to your surviving spouse and/or eligible dependents, who can continue to use benefits for reimbursement of their qualifying medical expenses.

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