Sign Up for eDelivery of Your Account Statements
Easily access your statements online when you log into your account, instead of waiting for them to be delivered by mail from ICMA-RC. If you haven't already signed up for an email notice (eDelivery) when your account statements are available online, just follow these steps after you log into your account:
- Navigate to the Message & Alerts menu.
- Click Statement & Documents and click the documents for which you want to receive email notification.
Not signed up to log into your account, yet? Set up your account now by visiting and selecting Set Up Your Online Access. Then, use the steps above to sign up for eDelivery.
Access this short video about how easy it is to sign up for eDelivery of your financial documents such as account statements, prospectuses, and shareholder notices. Also, check out these quick tips to learn more.
Please note: The contents of this publication provided by MissionSquare Retirement is general information regarding your retirement benefits. It is not intended to provide you with or substitute for specific legal, tax, or investment advice. You may want to consult with your legal, tax, or investment advisor to review your own personal situation. Some of the products, services, or funds detailed in this publication may not be available in your plan. This document may contain information obtained from outside sources and it may reference external websites. While we believe this information to be reliable, we cannot guarantee its complete accuracy. In addition, rules and laws can change frequently.