SECURE 2.0 On the Go Video Series

What is the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022? In this video series, MissionSquare experts in legal and government affairs summarize SECURE 2.0 provisions for employers, helping you confidently take action.

Watch and Learn

What Is Secure 2.0

What is the SECURE 2.0 Act?

Get a high-level summary of the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022.

What Is Roth?

What is Roth?

Learn what a Roth account is and how it differs from other retirement savings options.

Rmd Changes

Additional SECURE 2.0 Required Minimum Distribution Changes

Explore the RMD changes made beyond the age increase.

What is the Roth Mandate

What is the Roth mandate?

Understand what the mandate means for your plan and what actions to take.

First Day of the Month Rule

What is the “First Day of the Month” rule change in SECURE 2.0?

Know the rule and decide whether to make changes to your plan.

Spouse Beneficiary RMDs

SECURE 2.0 RMD Changes: Spouses Who Become Beneficiaries

Hear how RMD payments may be smaller for spouses who become beneficiaries.

Does the Roth mandate apply to all catch-ups?

Does the Roth mandate apply to all catch-ups?

The short answer: No. Understand the limitations around the Roth mandate.

Elimination of Roth from RMD Calculatio

Elimination of Roth from RMD Calculation

Learn how and why SECURE 2.0 changed the way that RMDs are calculated.

Qualified Disaster Recovery Distribution provision

What is the Qualified Disaster Recovery Distribution provision?

Dive into the new parameters and requirements around disaster relief.

Simplified Plan Administration

How did SECURE 2.0 simplify plan administration?

Understand how SECURE 2.0 gives participants more control over distributions.

Student Debt Repayment Match Provision

Implementing the Optional Student Debt Repayment Match Provision

Here’s what you need to know to use this optional provision with your participants.

Qualified Disaster Recovery Distribution provision

What does “self-certification” mean?

SECURE 2.0 allows for more self-certification. Find out what that is and how participants can do it.

Meet the Experts

Our SECURE 2.0 team is led by two experienced leaders in the legal and government advocacy space, focused on providing insights and perspectives to help public service employers navigate policy changes.

We’d love to get to know you.

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