457(b) Retirement Plan Rollover Options

You can roll over funds in your governmental 457(b) plan to a traditional IRA, a 401(a), 401(k), 403(b), or another 457(b) governmental plan.

What is a 457(b) Rollover?

A rollover occurs when you withdraw cash or other assets from one eligible retirement plan and contribute all or part of it to another eligible retirement plan. There are two types of rollovers – a direct and an indirect rollover.

Most 457(b) plans allow a direct rollover. In this scenario, the retirement funds are transferred directly from your old account to another retirement plan.

In an indirect rollover, you would receive a check for the amount in your 457(b) plan. The check would be made to you (the account holder) and it would have applicable taxes withheld. If you then roll that money into another tax-deferred account within 60 days, you can get a refund of the taxes you paid when you file your tax return.

When a retirement plan receives a rollover, that action is known as a “roll-in.” When a retirement plan is distributing assets to another plan, it can also be referred to as a “roll-out.”

457(b) Plan Rollover Rules

Assets in a 457(b) plan can be rolled over into most other retirement accounts, including into a traditional IRA, a Roth IRA, another 457(b) plan, a 403(b), a 401(a) or a 401(k) plan.

See the table below for IRS rules on which plans a 457(b) can be rolled into.

Rolling Over From Rolling Over To Possible?
457(b) Plan Roth IRA Yes, but assets are considered income and must be included in annual tax return.
Traditional IRA Yes
SIMPLE IRA Yes, after you have held the Simple IRA account for over 2 years (applies to rollover contributions after 12/18/15).
457(b) Yes
Qualified Plan (pre-tax) Yes
403(b) (pre-tax) Yes
Designated Roth Account 401k, 403(b) or 457(b) Yes, but funds must be rolled to a Roth offered within the plan (an “in-plan” rollover) and must be declared as income in the year of the rollover.

There are no limitations on a rollover – you can roll over some or all of your funds – but the process will differ from plan to plan. If you’re looking to roll funds into a MissionSquare account, contact us.

Can I Rollover My 457(b) While Still Employed?

It depends. Typically, you can’t roll funds over from your 457(b) plan if you’re still employed by, or “in-service” with the company offering the plan. Some plans may allow an in-service withdrawal once you’ve reached a certain age. Once you leave that employment, you can roll over funds into an account of your choosing.

457(b) Rollover After Leaving an Employer

Upon retiring or leaving an employer, you can roll over your assets in the former employer’s 457(b) plan into any kind of retirement account listed by the IRS.

Are 457(b) Rollovers Taxable?

The funds being rolled over may be subject to taxes depending on what kind of account they are being rolled into. If the destination account has the same tax-deferred status as the 457(b) plan, then the funds continue to be tax-deferred. If the funds are being converted into an “in-plan” Roth account, (that is, a Roth plan approved by the 457(b) plan), then the funds will be taxed as income.

Does a Rollover Count Toward The Yearly Contribution Limit?

No, funds rolled over from one retirement account to another do not count toward the account’s yearly contribution limit. (Read more about yearly retirement-plan contribution limits).

Questions? Contact Us

If you want to learn more about rolling funds into a MissionSquare account, contact us.

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