Guided Pathways® Advisory Services

Guided Pathways® Advisory Services includes both our Fund Advice and Managed Accounts offerings to help you better achieve your investment goals. Investment advice for both services is provided by independent financial expert Morningstar Investment Management.1

MissionSquare Offers Two Types of Advisory Services

With Fund Advice, you’ll receive point-in-time recommendations of which funds to invest in based on information you provide in your account. Managed Accounts is our full-service investment management solution, providing personalized and ongoing investment management for your MissionSquare Retirement accounts.2

Fund Advice provides point-in-time fund recommendations

Managed Accounts provides ongoing investment management

Ready to enroll? Our dedicated representatives can help you get started.

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Which advisory service is right for you?

Use the chart below to see the differences between our services and determine the best option for you.

Fund Advice Managed Accounts
Specific fund recommendations
Guidance on how much to save, when to retire, and how to take withdrawals in retirement
Investment advice provided by Morningstar
Disciplined investment strategy
Ongoing investment management
Ongoing investment management fee
Automatic portfolio rebalancing

Questions? Let’s talk.

We’re happy to discuss our advisory services with you and help you get started. Schedule a meeting to talk to one of our dedicated representatives.

Schedule a Meeting

Fee Structure for Guided Pathways Managed Accounts

Our fees are competitive with those for similar services from other providers. Your annual fee is based on your total account balance, as shown in the chart below. For example, an account balance of $55,000 would be charged a fee of $23 month-end for Managed Accounts benefits.

Your Account Balance Annual Fee3,4
First $100,000 0.50%
Next $200,000 0.40%
Next $200,000 0.30%
Over $500,000 0.20%

Learn More About Our Guided Pathways Advisory Services

Watch the video to see how Managed Accounts can provide a more complete view of your finances.

Morningstar Retirement

1 Investment advice and analysis tools are offered to participants through MissionSquare Retirement, a federally registered investment advisor. Investment advice is the result of methodologies developed, maintained, and overseen by Morningstar Investment Management LLC. Morningstar Investment Management LLC is a registered investment advisor and subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. Morningstar Retirement offers research- and technology-driven products and services to individuals, workplace retirement plans, and other industry players. Associated advisory services are provided by Morningstar Investment Management LLC, a registered investment advisor and subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. Morningstar, Inc., Morningstar Investment Management LLC, and Morningstar Retirement are not affiliated with MissionSquare Retirement. All rights reserved. The Morningstar name and logo are registered marks of Morningstar, Inc.

2 Managed Accounts is a fee-based service.

3 Underlying fund expenses and plan administration fees still apply. Please consult the applicable disclosure materials for a description of these fees and expenses.

4 Certain Managed Accounts clients will pay less than the annual fee reflected above.

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